Prompt 13: Listen
There is a big difference between hearing and listening.
This week's prompt is to listen.
Prompt 11: Brave
💡What is the bravest thing you've ever done?
This is one of my favourite questions to ask people
Prompt 9: Share
A simple prompt on sharing that I hope sparks something for you.
Prompt 8: Seasons, Seasoning and Seasoned.
Tips, ideas and questions to help us navigate the seasons of life.
Prompt 7: Enough
Why is 'I have enough' so hard to say? We live in a world where 'more' is the mantra. This is good and bad. Here's why.
Prompt 5: Be Still
We live in a world of noise, busyness and information overload. Deep down we know it isn't good for us. So this week's prompt is simple. To build stillness and silence into your week.
Prompt 4: Where's the Joy?
Outrage, fear and cynicism fuel so much in our world at times. This week is all about an alternative approach - letting Joy be our Engine Room.
Prompt 3: What are you Procrastinating About?
Create a 'someday list' of things you've been procrastinating about and choose one to do today!
Prompt 2: Chase Curiosity
The advice "do what you're passionate about" is not always helpful. 'Pay attention to what makes you curious' is better advice. Here's why.
Prompt 1: The Superpower of Intention
As I turn 50 today I've been reflecting upon how to start this 'find your spark' challenge and have decided to focus upon the word INTENT. It's a powerful word - here's why!