Prompt 15: Connect
We're made to 'connect' - this week's prompt is designed to give us some food for thought as we ponder with who we might connect this week.
Prompt 14: Opportunity
Life has a habit of bringing all kinds of unexpected opportunities our way - the problem is that most of us just don't notice them. Here's how to spot them!
Prompt 13: Listen
There is a big difference between hearing and listening.
This week's prompt is to listen.
Prompt 12: Learn
✳️New Here? This prompt is part of a weekly series I'm writing to help me (+ others) find our
Prompt 11: Brave
💡What is the bravest thing you've ever done?
This is one of my favourite questions to ask people
Prompt 10: Clutter (and Declutter)
This week's prompt centres around a word to ponder.
The word being... CLUTTER.
To put a more positive
Prompt 9: Share
A simple prompt on sharing that I hope sparks something for you.
Prompt 8: Seasons, Seasoning and Seasoned.
Tips, ideas and questions to help us navigate the seasons of life.
Prompt 7: Enough
Why is 'I have enough' so hard to say? We live in a world where 'more' is the mantra. This is good and bad. Here's why.
Prompt 6: Don't Stagnate - Create!
✳️New Here? This prompt is part of a weekly series I'm writing to help me (+ others) find our